Monitor and Evaluation

Objective 1: Monitor the Campaign's Performance and Impact

  • Media Mentions: Aim for coverage in at least 5 media outlets, including local newspapers, radio stations, and online news platforms.

  • Social Media Engagement: Target a total of 1,000 social media engagements, including likes, shares, comments, and the reach of campaign-related posts.

  • Website Traffic: Strive for a 20% increase in website traffic during the campaign period compared to the previous year.

  • Bake Sale Participation: Aim to facilitate and support the successful organization of 20 local bake sales by community members.

Objective 2: Measure the Success of the Campaign Against Set Objectives

  • Fundraising Target: Work towards raising 80% of the $100,000 goal by the end of the campaign.

  • Local Bake Sale Success: Assess the success of local bake sales by measuring the number of bake sales held, funds generated (target: $30,000), and community participation.

  • Media Coverage Quality: Evaluate the depth and quality of media coverage by tracking the inclusion of key campaign messages and charity missions in at least 70% of media mentions.

  • Donor Engagement: Aim to acquire at least 100 new donors during the campaign and maintain engagement with existing donors.

Objective 3: Gather Feedback and Assess Message and Strategy Effectiveness

  • Stakeholder Feedback: Collect feedback from 50 stakeholders, with a satisfaction rate of 70% or higher.

  • Message Effectiveness: Achieve a message resonance score of 60% or higher in post-campaign surveys.

Objective 1: Enhance Media Visibility and Engagement
  • Key Result 1: Secure coverage in 3 local newspapers, 1 radio station, and 1 online news platform, reaching an estimated audience of 500,000 people.

  • Key Result 2: Achieve a total of 500 social media engagements, indicating active community involvement and awareness.

Objective 2: Meet Fundraising and Bake Sale Participation Goals
  • Key Result 1: Raise $80,000 by the end of the campaign, contributing significantly to the charity's mission.

  • Key Result 2: Support the successful organization of 15 local bake sales, fostering community engagement.

Objective 3: Optimize Message and Strategy Effectiveness
  • Key Result 1: Gather feedback from 30 stakeholders, ensuring their satisfaction and understanding of the campaign's impact.

  • Key Result 2: Achieve a message resonance score of 50% or higher in post-campaign surveys, indicating effective communication.

Continuous Monitoring:
  • Media Mentions: Monitor media mentions, including newspapers, radio, TV, and online platforms, on a daily basis using media monitoring tools. Track both quantity and quality of coverage.

  • Social Media Engagement: Continuously monitor social media engagement across all campaign-related posts. Regularly check likes, shares, comments, and reach.

  • Website Analytics: Daily monitoring of website traffic using tools like Google Analytics. Track the number of visitors, page views, and sources of traffic.

  • Bake Sale Participation: Keep an updated record of local bake sales' progress, participation, and funds raised. Provide support and guidance as needed.

Post-Campaign Evaluation:

Comprehensive Evaluation:After the campaign ends, conduct a comprehensive evaluation that includes:

  • Media Coverage Analysis: Review media coverage reports, assessing the quality and depth of coverage.

  • Fundraising Results: Analyze funds raised against the fundraising target.

  • Bake Sale Impact: Evaluate the success of local bake sales in terms of participation and funds generated.

  • Donor Engagement: Assess the acquisition of new donors and engagement with existing ones.

  • Stakeholder Feedback: Analyze feedback from stakeholders obtained through surveys.

  • Message Effectiveness: Evaluate message resonance through post-campaign surveys.

Weekly Progress Reports:
  • Weekly Performance Metrics: Generate weekly progress reports that include media mentions, social media engagement metrics, website traffic data, and bake sale updates. Compare these against the established KPIs.

  • Performance Review Meetings: Hold weekly meetings with the campaign team to discuss progress, challenges, and adjustments required to meet objectives.

Lessons Learned:
  • Identify lessons learned during the campaign, highlighting what worked well and areas that require improvement.

Feedback Surveys:
  • Survey Development: Develop and distribute targeted surveys to stakeholders, bake sale hosts, donors, and community members to gather qualitative feedback.

  • Survey Analysis: Thoroughly analyze survey responses to extract insights into the campaign's impact and effectiveness.

Message Resonance Assessment:
  • Post-Campaign Message Assessment: Conduct in-depth interviews or focus groups with a sample of the target audience to assess how well campaign messages resonated with them and motivated action.

OKR Assessment:
  • OKR Evaluation: Measure campaign success against the established OKRs to determine whether objectives were met or exceeded. Use quantitative data and feedback to inform this assessment.

  • Campaign Report: Compile a comprehensive campaign report that includes all findings, successes, challenges, and actionable recommendations for future campaigns. This report should provide a clear narrative of the campaign's impact and effectiveness.

  • By following this refined Monitoring and Evaluation Process, IN HOPE Charity can effectively gauge the real-world impact of the campaign, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions for future initiatives.