CEO Blog

"Why Your Participation in the Annual Fundraising Campaign Can Make a Big Impact"

Together, We Can Make a Difference in Children's Lives

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This week, we kicked off our annual fundraising event, providing assistance to over 150 schools in the province. It's a time of the year I always look forward to because it gives our employees and volunteers a chance to amplify their generosity and work together for a cause that can truly make an impact in our communities, especially in the lives of younger children.

Food insecurity remains a significant challenge for many families across Canada, particularly in the Ontario province. According to the Canada Department of Agriculture, over 19% of families in Ontario experienced food insecurity at some point in 2022. As a result, many children come to school hungry, unable to focus on their studies.

Our goal is to raise $60,000 from January 13 to February 28 to address the food crisis facing schools. I firmly believe that together, we can achieve this target. Members of the local community can contribute by baking and selling cookies to support our charity. On February 27th, all employees, volunteers, and members will come together for a special event where we will bake goods to further support our cause.

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I encourage all our employees, supporters, and volunteers to involve their friends, family, and loved ones in baking cookies and supporting our cause. By doing so, we can raise awareness within the community and make significant progress towards our goal. If you are unable to participate in the baking activities, you can still contribute by making a donation through the following link:

Addressing the challenge of food insecurity will require sustained and coordinated efforts. By participating in our annual fundraising campaign, each and every one of us can make a tangible impact on the lives of children. Our collective efforts can prevent malnutrition, asthma, compromised immune systems, and chronic diseases. I firmly believe that together, we can make a difference.

I invite you to share your thoughts in the comment box and let's work together to spread positivity in the world!

John wheels CEO, In Hope Charity

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