Hey, I'm Abhay.

Welcome to my digital resume and portfolio.

A little about me.

Once upon a time, I Abhay Parekh, was torn between my love for technology and my passion for communication. I had a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering, but I was always drawn to the world of marketing and public relations.


One day, I made a bold decision to pursue my dream and enrolled in a Public Relations program. I quickly found that the strategic and creative approach to communication was my calling. My background in engineering gave me a unique perspective on problem-solving and analysis, which I used to create impactful campaigns that resonated with audiences.


Through academic projects and personal projects, I honed my skills in social media management, content creation, and event planning. I was constantly inspired by the power of communication to bring people together and tell compelling stories.


Now, I am excited to continue my journey in the field of public relations and make a meaningful impact. I look forward to bringing my unique blend of skills and expertise to create innovative and effective campaigns that inspire and engage audiences.


Whether I’m in the workplace or the classroom, I’m driven to succeed. Throughout my time in college, I worked multiple jobs to pay the bills, pushing myself to excel in the classroom. Through hard work (and a little luck), I excel in study.


Every day, I bring a cheerful, uplifting attitude to my work and study. Public Relation and Marketing is a fast-paced field, and situations often change without warning. I’m steady under pressure, and I don’t get heated. Instead, I’m flexible, working to right the situation without losing control.


No matter the job, project or class, I’m fully engaged in my work. I work hard to succeed, and I enjoy developing public relations and marketing strategy. I love being part of a team, treasuring the opportunity to take ownership of a project.

How can I help you?
Copywriting + Editing

I’m a writer. I enjoy communicating through blogs and articles, letting my personality shine through. But I’m not limited to those; I’ve also written press releases, social media copy, website copy and more. I’m trained in AP style, and I’m eager to grow as a professional writer. Here’s a link to a few of my writing samples.

Social Media Marketing

Whether I’m outlining marketing plans or analyzing ways to communicate an organization’s message, I love using social media to connect with a brand’s audience. It’s faster, cheaper, and more effective than traditional advertising. And unlike press releases, you control the story.

That said, don’t forget to use strategy in your social media marketing. Targeting mid-40s suburban moms? Instagram won’t help much. Stick with Facebook and e-mail. Trying to draw young teens to your latest line of jeans? Meet them where they are, and consider advertising through influencers on YouTube and other platforms.

Brand Management

Who is your company? Who do your business partners, customers and fans think you are? That mental image in their heads? That’s your brand. And it’s what sets you apart. In competitive industries, brand differentiation is increasingly vital. The good news? Every company is different.

You love your company. It’s special. Brand management is the art of communicating that to the people who truly matter: your stakeholders.

Whether you have a well-defined, established brand or your company is dealing with an identity crisis, let me help you continue to grow through the careful use of created content, an established voice, differentiated aesthetic, and through audience engagement.


I specialize in enhancing online visibility and search engine rankings through meticulous SEO optimization. Analyzing content, structure, and meta-information, I align your website with search engine algorithms.

I can help you with strategic keyword research, on-page optimization, and authoritative link-building techniques, driving targeted traffic and maximizing digital impact. Stay ahead of the competition with tailored SEO optimization solutions.


Without data and research, PR and marketing specialists are blind. Are you reaching your audience effectively? Who’s seeing your material? What content is most likely to go viral? Research yields answers to these questions and more.

Through my Auburn classes and experience at Auburn Campus Recreation, I’ve learned about the importance of using data and metrics to develop marketing strategy. Simply put, if you aren’t using analytics to determine your social media success, you’re probably wasting your time. Never post just to post.

Create a concrete, research-based strategy and stick to it, ensuring that all posts work within that strategy. And then use numbers, competitor research, internal analysis, and industry trends to determine your ROI.

Press Releases + Media Communication
While press releases are not quite as vital to PR success as they were 20 years ago, they still represent an important aspect of the industry: media relations. By building relationships with the local media, we spread your message further. And, when stuff goes down, positive media relations may be the only way to get the benefit of the doubt when journalists swarm to report the story.
    A few of my skills
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